Smith's Rosebud Salves 玫瑰花蕾膏 & 薄荷玫瑰膏

Smith's Rosebud Slaves & Minted Rose Lip Balm
容量: 0.8o.z. (22g)

Smith's Rosebud Slaves  玫瑰花蕾膏是我在約莫大二的時候特別紅的一款護唇膏 許多人分享號稱可以淡化唇色變夢幻的粉嫩顏色!!! 那時候只能在網拍購買而且聽聞味道古怪 就沒有買 隨著時間的過去也就忘了它們.

最近在物色護唇膏的時候又想起了它. 鐵盒裝+復古的設計還是那麼吸引我 而且現在一共有6種口味了: 原味的玫瑰花蕾膏,草莓,薄荷尤加利萬用膏(Menthol and Eucalyptus Balm),薄荷玫瑰(Minted Rose),野莓玫瑰(Brambleberry Rose)和摩卡玫瑰(Mocha Rose).

在口味上慎重的考慮了1個多星期,它們家一百多年最經典也是最初的產品就是玫瑰花蕾膏和薄荷尤加利萬用膏, 第一次嘗試當然不可以錯過囉,最後實在太難抉擇了 所以就決定買2個! 玫瑰花蕾膏(右)和薄荷玫瑰膏(左),一次解決~ 最經典的都有啦,哈!
除了玫瑰花蕾膏和薄荷尤加利膏之外, 其他的四種口味都有特別標示為lip balm. 玫瑰花蕾膏和薄荷尤加利膏都可做為萬用膏, 看看花蕾膏背面說明: may be used as an all purpose skin preparation,乾裂的嘴唇和皮膚,尿布濕疹,舒緩刺激/小傷口和軟化角質都可以用


這是玫瑰花蕾膏 橘紅色的油膏狀質地 味道真的很奇特 不能算香 有點古早味+藥味 應該就是大家形容的痱子粉味 可能已經預期它們不想 所以覺得還好,不會太驚訝 應該會慢慢適應:P(以前用carmex也是覺得噁心 慢慢就習慣了) 前幾天被蚊子咬的腫包到現在還覺得癢 擦玫瑰花蕾膏試試看有稍微舒緩 難不成用了很多年的神奇紫草膏的地位要被取代了?!

這個相較玫瑰花蕾膏 顏色較為鮮豔紅色的則是薄荷玫瑰膏 同為油膏狀但似乎稍微的軟一點點.味道較花蕾膏清淡柔和一些, 奇怪的味道變得不強烈還帶有薄荷清香味.擦了嘴唇也會明顯感到涼涼的.

放在一起比較可以看出顏色上的不同 不過差上去都沒有顏色的 頂多就是亮亮的. 我覺得他們的持久度介於中~中上.喝幾次水或是約莫3個小時就差不多要補擦了 (我是嘴唇極乾燥人) 以滋潤度還是玫瑰花蕾膏勝薄荷玫瑰膏一點點. 2者的護唇效果還不錯, 連續認真擦了一天半,脫皮的情況有改善不少.睡前擦厚一點 隔天起床就嫩嫩的. 

2者的味道&使用感覺上相比,我會更喜歡薄荷玫瑰多一些. 但我總是會被"經典"和"萬用"吸引,哈! 0.8oz (22g)的大容量這下可以用到天荒地老了,而且還2罐 :P

p/s : 之前用的曼秀雷敦藥用, carmex 和 Kiehl's #1也都是修護&滋潤很不錯的護唇膏!


Smith's Rosebud Salve

This cult-favorite, multi-purpose lip balm has been popular for over 100 years. An Old Family Standby Since 1895, this world-famous salve has been re-discovered by Hollywood stars and makeup artists. Rosebud Salve is still a favorite to aid in the relief of chapped and dry skin, blemishes, diaper rash, and detergent burns. Rosebud Salve is also a wonderful lip moisturizer and natural looking lip gloss. It moisterizes dry lips, calms and heals irritation, and soothes the sting of minor burns. Try dabbing on dry elbows or knees to condition, and relieve dryness. Also an excellent remedy for the treatment of diaper rash. The original flagship product, Smith's Rosebud Salve remains our top seller. A glossy, non-sticky, non-waxy, texture makes this balm stand out. Only a dab is necessary, ensuring that one tin lasts a very long time! Mix with lipstick for extra shine. During allergy and cold season, dab on a dry, irritated nose to relieve discomfort.

Minted Rose Lip Balm
Formulated by G.F. Smith's great-granddaughter, Linda, in early 2000's, 'Minted' Rosebud is my personal favorite of the new generation of our salves. At first I was surprised by the 'bite' of the mint, but now I love it, especially in winter. This one is a favorite with many of the family members, including my husband who finds the others too 'sweet' for his tastes. Linda designed the tin to look like the original Rosebud Salve tin from the early 1900s.
